Estates & Capital Project Management

We offer fully managed Estates and Building Maintenance services as well as Capital Project Management. We can assess existing conditions and carry out strategic planning for the future, creating safe, secure and quality healthcare facilities.
At BFS, our ambitious team can work to manage and develop your site, making better, more sustainable use of resources, complementing and supporting the provision of high quality care. We can ensure you have a flexible, fit-for-purpose and sustainable estate for the future delivery of healthcare.
Our team not only has the experience and knowledge to advise on an estate’s existing condition and strategic future planning, but we are also highly familiar with regulations covering healthcare site management. We can assist in a number of ways, from the completion of returns, surveys and inspections such as ERIC and PLACE, to fire risk assessments to name but a few.
With our Capital Project Management services, we have delivered over £15million of capital schemes in 2022/23, to time and budget. We also have the full complement of Authorised Person’s (AP’s) and Competent Person’s (CP’s) across all healthcare estate disciplines, all being appropriately certified and appointed.
We can work closely with decision makers and internal/external stakeholders, from consultants to contractors, to ensure projects meet high customer expectations as well as being innovative and effective. Our professional team can get involved in strategic planning for a brighter future, and innovate to keep up with your ever-changing needs. Speak to our team for more information and advice about how we can help.

Our Other Services
Take advantage of our comprehensive Facilities Management Service that is responsive, flexible and conducted to the highest NHS standards. We can ensure working environments are the best they can be, taking care of cleaning, caretaking and the management of linen and uniform.
Ensure patients receive the highest standards of care with our Specialist Healthcare Services. We can provide help and support for sterile services, outpatient pharmacies as well as medical engineering, repairs and maintenance.
We can provide a fully managed service for the monitoring of policies, procedures and practices, including procurement and health and safety management, as well as give security and business continuity advice.
Passionate about providing essential services
Helping you to focus on what
you do best